Today, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Municipal Securities (OMS) released a statement on LIBOR Transition In The Municipal Securities Market. The office states that the “discontinuation of LIBOR could have a significant impact on the municipal securities market and may present a material risk for many issuers.” The statement focuses on issues and considerations surrounding LIBOR cession to participants in the municipal markets, where LIBOR exposure may exist for issuers, and what risks issuers face as we near the anticipated phase out.
Policy Update:
OMS Statement on LIBOR Transition In The Municipal Securities Market
SEC Building Washington
Office of Municipal Securities (OMS), Securities and Exchange Commission,
- January 8, 2021
Partner Resource—
From: Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
The Transition Out of LIBOR: What State and Local Governments Should be Discussing with Their Financing Teams
The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is a global benchmark interest rate calculated daily, and is the most widely used benchmark in the capital markets. State and...