A Network of the National Association of State Treasurers
A Network of the National Association of State Treasurers

MSRB Board Applications Now Open

The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) is now accepting applications for four positions on its Board of Directors for the 2022 fiscal year. Selected candidates will be elected to four-year terms beginning October 1, 2021, where they will have the opportunity to oversee the organization’s strategic initiatives to support an evolving market through effective regulation, modernized technology and big data. Applications will be accepted through the MSRB’s online portal now through February 5, 2021. Read more about Board membership and duties.

MSRB also seeks volunteers for two Board advisory groups for FY 2021: the Compliance Advisory Group (CAG) and the Municipal Fund Securities Advisory Group (MFSAG). In addition, the MSRB is requesting input on potential topics for these advisory groups to take up in FY 2021. The MSRB will accept volunteer submissions through December 15, 2020. Read more in the MSRB press release.
